Learning at Home

Partners in Learning

We see the work that our children do at home as vitally important and as such, family support is very much valued and appreciated.
This support can make a huge difference; together we can have a real impact.

Working in partnership with our families, work completed at home can provide many opportunities to develop reading, writing and
mathematical skills even further, as well as in the creative arts and wider subject skills such as History and Science.

We passionately believe that learning does not stop when children walk out of our school gates.  

Technology allows us to offer a range of extended and personalised learning opportunities beyond the classroom so that
learning is seamless whether at school, at home or in the local community.

Online Learning at Home

Through Class Dojo, teachers share regular Home Learning activities to complete alongside your child. As a school, we invest in a wide range of online learning resources to provide our children with high-quality opportunities to consolidate and extend their learning at home.

Currently, the following resources are available to children, to learn at home. Click on any of the links to be directed to the login page:

Class Dojo

For communication between teachers and families, including sharing home learning activities.

Purple Mash

An online learning platform, with a range of activities and resources across the whole curriculum. 

Purple Mash by 2Simple


Maths activities for Year 1 pupils to complete at home, set by their class teacher.

MyMaths – Bringing maths alive

Reading Planet

An online reading resource, to practise phonics and reading comprehension skills.

Rising Stars – Login (risingstars-uk.com)

A fun way to practise key reading skills through interactive activities.

If you need any of the login information, please contact the school office or your class teacher.

myLexia – Welcome

Homework and Flipped Learning

We are passionate about children taking ownership of their learning; this helps create a dynamic and inspiring educational environment. To support each E3L Theme, there will also be a list of creative and fun ‘Theme Homework Projects’ for children to choose from.

Teachers will use Class Dojo to set children weekly homework tasks and to share resources to support children in their learning. Some homework tasks will involve ‘Flipped Learning’. This is a simple idea where teachers set children ‘pre-learning’ tasks to complete before they arrive in lessons. This ‘headstart’ to learning allows the teacher to adapt and personalise learning for pupils in lessons.

This approach is fundamental to our Trust at both the Primary and Secondary Phase.
