Pupil and Sport Premium

Key Principles

Pupil Premium funding is used to support a raft of interventions specifically targeted at the children with Pupil Premium in our school Academy.

The key principles of the use of our Pupil Premium funding are addressing individual need and equality of opportunity where there are difficult circumstances and providing strong additional academic support for our Pupil Premium pupils with the allocated funding.

Pupil Premium is an identified and monitored attribute for children at a whole school and departmental level. All teaching staff are aware of these children within their classes and are asked to be mindful of when and where support needs to be drawn from the funding to provide equality of opportunity.

Reports on proposed and actual spend of Pupil Premium will be listed here when they are available.

Key Barriers

Key barriers to pupil’s attainment are will be published here when available.

Sport Premium

The Sport Premium aims to improve the physical activity of pupils to help promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Key areas of improvement include increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport, offering a broader range of sports to all pupils and increasing participation in competitive sport.

Reports on proposed and actual spend of the Sports Premium will be listed here when they are available.
