Standards and Performance Committee

At Wednesfield Technology Primary, the Standards and Performance Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operational day-to-day running of the Academy. It acts as a consultative body for the main Trust Board. It is the responsibility of the Standards and Performance Committee to:

  • Act only in the Academy’s interest without regard to their private interests
  • Not derive any personal benefit or gain from the Trust or Academy of which they are trustee
  • Take professional advice on matters on which they are not competent
  • Monitor the work of the Academy and report on the progress within the framework set by the board
  • To act as a “critical” friend
  • To offer support and guidance (but are not closely involved in the day-to-day running of the school)

The Committee is made up of nine members in total and these members comprise of:

  • A trustee appointed by the Board as Chair for the academic year
  • Two family governors
  • One staff governor
  • Three community governors appointed by the Trust  
  • The Executive Principal or his representative
  • The Principal of the Academy
  • One co-opted trustee/governor

The Standards and Performance Committee for Wednesfield Technology Primary will be set up as the school opens from September 2022.
