Technology in the Curriculum
Our curriculum provides a range of purposeful and real-world learning experiences.
By using technology to create exceptional learning experiences, we help bring the curriculum and learning to life with children having many opportunities to collaborate, problem solve and develop critical thinking skills.
In order to ensure our pupils become well-rounded, thoughtful and safe users of technology in an increasingly digital world, we have developed a robust Digital Learner Framework to set out our expectations for technology use across the school. This framework focuses on the progression of skills across the school in three key areas: Digital Literacy, Digital Citizenship and Technological Skills.

Digital Literacy
The skills to communicate, learn, collaborate and problem solve.
Digital Citizenship
The knowledge and understanding of how to use technology safely and responsibly.
Technological Skills
Specific digital skills and opportunities to use technology innovatively and creatively, such as the creation of digital animation and programming.
Technology and digital opportunities are interwoven throughout the curriculum to develop confident and discerning digital learners. Our pupils will be equipped to be ‘Smart Creatives’, with the knowledge and skills to understand when a digital solution is the best method to complete a task.
Our schools are equipped with a range of technology to bring learning to life and ensure progress for all learners, ranging from interactive smart boards to laptops and iPads, to audio-visual recording technology, to programming and robotics kits.
Through technology-enabled lessons, pupils might visit another planet or time period in our interactive immersive room, program a robot to complete a task or create a digital animation to retell a story.
Technology will be seamlessly interwoven throughout the curriculum to develop confident and discerning learners.